
Article on Maths
Maths. The truth about adding or subtracting mixed numbers!
What is The truth about adding or subtracting mixed numbers? It is a common misconception that one needs to convert mixed numbers into top heavy fractions to add or subtract them. Unlike with multiplication or division of mixed ...
Article on French
French Tutor North London | The French Subjunctive!
The French Subjunctive As a French Tutor I have always been fascinated by the French grammar and its logic that is on the whole so similar to Maths. I find the subjunctive opens up so many possibilities. Usage ...
Article on Spanish
Spanish tutoring lessons in London | El pretérito grave
El pretérito grave El pretérito grave is an irregular form of the preterite tense but with a pattern nonetheless. In fact, the only difficulty is having to memorise the irregular stem which is different from the infinitive stem. ...
Article on Maths
What is an equation and what is an identity?
An Identity An identity could be thought of as an equation where both sides are the same way or a different way of expressing the same thing. The interesting property about this is that it will hold true ...
Article on Maths
Maths tutoring
Even good schools get it so wrong about Maths It is sadly a too common story that even good private schools, even in affluent areas are giving false praise about their pupils’ standard or progress in Mathematics. For ...
Article on Chess
Chess openings for beginners
King’s pawn openings or Queen’s pawn openings for beginners? It is my very strong belief that beginners should play King’s pawn openings, in other words, 1.e4 because it is extremely important to familiarise oneself with tactics (Complications and ...
Article on Chess
Castling in Chess
King’s pawn openings or Queen’s pawn openings for beginners? It is my very strong belief that beginners should play King’s pawn openings, in other words, 1.e4 because it is extremely important to familiarise oneself with tactics (Complications and ...
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